Viktoria Arvayova

Designer/ Artist/ Experimental musician

Viktoria Arvayova is a multidisciplinary artist and musician from Slovakia, currently based in The Hague. In her artistic practice she's composing interactive situations integrating visuals, physical matter and sound. Conceptually she is interested in the merging boundaries between digital and physical spaces, exploring systems and networks found in natural and virtual environments. She is interested in performative interventions taking place in specific endangered sites to encourage a deeper relationship with a landscape. Questioning socially engaged sound practices that approach listening as a starting point of giving a voice to environmental occurrences through artistic interventions.

She is currently studying a Master in ArtScience at the Royal Academy of Arts in Den Haag. She obtained a bachelor degree from the Department of Experimental Design
at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.



2023 - present
Royal Conservatory in The Hague- Master ArtScience

Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) - Erasmus exchange
- Interactive/ Media/ Design

2019 - 2023
Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava (VŠVU) - BA Design

2014 - 2018
School of Applied Arts Josef Vydra (ŠUV) - Graphic Design diploma


Silvia Binda Heiser, OffDAC platform, production support, 10.7.- 1.9.2023, Bratislava, SK

Studio Edwin van der Heide, audiovisual documentation, production 1.9.- 30.11. 2022, Rotterdam, NL

A21 Graphic design studio, junior graphic designer, 1.6.- 1.9. 2018, Bratislava, SK 

Latest Exhibitions

10x10x10 ArtScience festival, KABK, Soniferous Garden with Cecilie Phang, The Hague, NL

Rozptyl, light installation “Converting analog spaces”, 1.9.-30.9.23, Bratislava Slovakia

Acousmatic Garden, audioreactive light system, VŠVU, 16.- 17.6. 23, Bratislava, Slovakia  

Headless, Old City cultural centrum, Školská 14.,  4.3.- 11.4. 23, Bratislava, Slovakia

Signalling Cell, Art Machines, 7. -11.12. 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands

YES or NO, Gaudeamus festival, Screen Swarm, 7.-11.9. 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Quatro Amici (Group project) - KB library, 23.5. - 4.6. 2022, Den Haag, The Netherlands

Artistic residencies/Awards

Phonon residency - Spacial sommer lab, ambisonic residency, 5.-29.7.2024, Ůstí nad Labem, CZ

Sound Arguments - participation in a series of conferences on sound art, jan - june 2024, The Hague/Ghent, NL/BE 

Lom+You open call - supported project idea, 2023

INSIDE AWARD- trophy design for INSIDE AWARDS, 2018



27.6. Melusines concert - ambisonic composition, Ústí Nad Labem, CZ

22.6.24 Halp festival - live set, Kaštiel Moravany, SR


13.8. Intergalactic FM - live set, The Hague, NL

26.8. Tehláreň - AV set, Liptovský Mikuláš, SR

25.8. Rozptyl - live set, Bratislava, SR

21.8. Hudobná Emisia - live set, Fuga, Bratislava, SR

11.8. Koncerty na garážach - live set with Munis, SR

24.7. Prešporské pondelky poézie live set with Munis , Fuga, SR

7.6. Hudobná Emisia - live set Pink Whale, Bratislava, SR

1.6. Vernissage opening of Marianna Čunderlíková - live set, Profil Gallery, Bratislava, SR

Performative projects

Onair.onsite - Slippery radio beings- experimental radio performance, 26.5.2024,
The Hague, NL  

10x10x10 ArtScience festival, Soniferous Garden, 1.12.2024, The Hague, NL

Another failed project, 23.8. 2023, Chemical waste dump Vrakuňa, Bratislava, SR

Piece fashioned for Random 12 specific Non-Actors, Directed by P. Gonda, 2021, Bratislava, SR
